Saturday, August 31, 2019

Drug Testing and Ethics Essay

Is drug testing an unwarranted invasion of employee privacy? Which is more important–getting drugs out of the workplace or protecting the privacy of the employee? What about other health-threatening activities, i. e. smoking outside of working hours, unprotected sex, etc. Should employers be able to question or test employees or potential employees about these activities? Both of these scenarios are tricky ones. On the one hand, any employer would want to get drugs out of the workplace. On the other hand you don’t want to invade an employee’s privacy. At the same time some jobs may require employees to conform to a certain standard of behavior both on and off the job, but how much is too much? How much should be employees be judged and how high of a standard should be set. Where do we draw the line? Shaw and Barry in their text Moral Issues in Business state â€Å"A firm has a legitimate interest in employee conduct off the job only if it affects work performance† (Shaw & Barry 2010, p477). It can be argued that as long as the drug use doesn’t affect the employee’s work performance, then he shouldn’t be tested. If he is tested and the result is positive, but work performance is satisfactory, then drug use should not be considered as grounds for termination. Perhaps a better way to state this could be that as long as employee performance meets or exceeds the expected standards, then drug testing should not be used even if drug use is suspected. Egoism can be used to argue from both points of view. According to this theory, â€Å"an act is morally right if and only if it best promotes an agent’s interests† (Shaw & Barry, 2010 p59). Following this theory, if the employer drug tests several employees and fires all who test positive, then they are acting in their best interests. On the other hand, if the employee’s best interests are served through their drug usage, then the employee has acted in the best moral way that he can. Using this theory does however raise some interesting questions. If the best possible person for a specific job is fired as a result of a drug test result, and the company’s performance in that specific department falls as a result of this, then was the action a morally right one? From a personal point of view, I believe that drug testing should be used only if the job requirements demand it. I don’t see any need for the person who picks up my garbage to be tested. I do however see a need for the school crossing guard at my children’s school to be tested. The person who shovels the snow from my driveway in the winter and mows my lawn in the spring and summer doesn’t need to be drug tested. My doctor should be. Several years ago my husband and I had a spat over my decision to hire the town drunk to do some lawn work and prune some tree branches off our roof. In all fairness I had no idea that he was the town drunk when I hired him, I was out in our backyard picking up fallen branches and he walked by at that moment. He asked if I had any odd jobs to be done and since he came across as clean and presentable and lucid I hired him on the spot. It wasn’t until three weeks later when my husband came home early and saw Bruce (the town drunk) at the top of a 50 foot tree sawing branches off that he realized who his new handyman was. Since he was usually the one on call at night whenever Bruce had one of his â€Å"benders† and had had cleaned him up several times, he now knew where Bruce was getting his drinking money from. My husband came home and told me he’d fired him. I rehired Bruce a day later. My reasoning was that he’d never shown up drunk, he did a great job on any task I set for him and his fee was reasonable. It was within my best interests to keep Bruce employed therefore I was acting as an egoist. It was within Bruce’s best interests to remain employed since it gave him the money to support his habit. He was acting as an egoist. We were both also following the theory of Libertarianism under which each person is free to live as he or she wishes â€Å"free from the interference of others† (Shaw & Barry, 2010 p122). My husband in his decision to fire Bruce was also acting partially from an egoist point of view since an unemployed Bruce meant a sober Bruce which meant no trips to the ER which meant that my husband wouldn’t have to deal with a cursing, screaming, bloody drunk Bruce. At the same time he was also acting from Kant’s theory which states that â€Å"Only when we act from a sense of duty does our action have moral worth† (Shaw & Barry, 2010 p69). My husband felt that it was his duty as a member of the medical profession, not to enable a habit that could possibly cause harm to an individual. A high incidence of false positive results in drug testing is another reason for the argument that drug testing should not be used. In researching this paper I was surprised to learn how many over the counter drugs can produce false positive results. According to an article on The National Center for Biotechnology Information website entitled â€Å"Commonly prescribed medications and potential false positive urine drug screens† published Aug 15th 2010, â€Å"A number of routinely prescribed medications have been associated with triggering false-positive UDS results. Verification of the test results with a different screening test or additional analytical tests should be performed to avoid adverse consequences for the patients. † Some of the more common drugs that could produce false positive results were nonprescription nasal inhalers such as Vicks, antihistamines, antidepressants, and antibiotics such as Amoxicillin which has been associated with false positive urine screens for cocaine. Employers should not be able to question or test employees about other behaviors that they might consider health threatening. This is a rather grey area and raises the questions of where to draw the line. For example if a company which is trying to reduce health insurance costs, decides to eliminate all smokers from their payroll since it costs more to insure smokers, shouldn’t they then eliminate overweight employees who are more likely to develop health problems than fit ones? What about employees with pre-existing conditions such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure or kidney problems? Shouldn’t they be eliminated as well? Should employers be allowed to use polygraph tests to â€Å"screen† out potentially costly employees who may engage in illegal drug use or any of these activities? The polygraph test, or as it is more commonly known, the lie detector test measures several physiological with in the human body such as increased blood pressure, increased pulse and respiration. However in spite of what most people believe it is not the most reliable test. Shaw and Barry in their text Moral Issues in Business list three assumptions made by those who advocate for the use of these tests. These assumptions are *  1.  Lying will automatically trigger a distinctive response to the question. * 2. Polygraphs are very accurate. * 3. Polygraphs cannot be beaten. (Shaw & Barry, 2010 p480). Unfortunately for these advocates while the polygraph test measures bodily responses to questions it cannot indicate whether or not the response is actually a lie. A person who has a history of being abused may register different reactions to questions along that subject area and all that these reactions may indicate is discomfort to the question not necessarily that the response to the question itself is a lie. Opinions vary as to just how accurate the tests are with the percentages ranging from 90% to as low as 55%, the higher percentages coming not surprisingly from the American Polygraph Association. Finally polygraph tests can be beaten and even generate false positives. Spies John Walker and Aldrich Ames both passed polygraph tests as did Gary Ridgeway the â€Å"Green Killer†. Ames actually passed two different polygraph tests. Since these tests are costly, using them as a screening method for either new hires or present employees may not be the best solution and should be considered on a case by case basis. Other methods should be used before resorting to polygraphs testing such as drug testing which may indicate previous drug use (although as has been mentioned earlier some false positive results may occur) or even background tests which may turn up questionable incidents. If during the course of these two checks questions are raised about the employee or new hire, then the employer could resort to the use of a polygraph. It could be argued that utilizing either or both of these two other methods is even more costly to the employers but I would say that any employer who needs to use a polygraph test to weed out potentially costly employees could afford to administer the extra tests to be absolutely sure. Fortunately for most employees, the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 which protects the rights of employees and outlines the usage and restrictions of lie detector tests states: â€Å"The EPPA prohibits most private employers from using lie detector tests, either for preemployment screening or during the course of employment. Employers generally may not require or request any employee or job applicant to take a lie detector test, or discharge, discipline, or discriminate against an employee or job applicant for refusing to take a test or for exercising other rights under the Act†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ It then goes on to outline just which employers are permitted to utilize lie detector tests †¦ â€Å"Subject to restrictions, the Act permits polygraph (a type of lie detector) tests to be administered to certain job applicants of security service firms (armored car, alarm, and guard) and of pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers. Subject to restrictions, the Act also permits polygraph testing of certain employees of private firms who are reasonably suspected of involvement in a workplace incident (theft, embezzlement, etc. ) that resulted in specific economic loss or injury to the employer. † (United States Department of Labor website) My argument to using a polygraph test therefore would be that assuming that the employer fell into one of these categories then yes they should be permitted to utilize lie detector tests but only as a last resort. I submit this argument using the rule utilitarianism theory. This is not to be confused with act utilitarianism. Under act utilitarianism, â€Å"we ask must ask ourselves what the consequences of a particular act in a particular situation will be for all those affected. If its consequences bring more total good than those of any alternative course of action, then this action is the right one† (Shaw & Barry, 2010 p63) The action that produces the greatest amount of happiness is the right one. Rule utilitarianism asks â€Å"what moral code †¦ a society should adopt to maximize happiness. The principles that make up that code would then be the basis for distinguishing right actions from wrong actions† (Shaw & Barry, 2010 p80-81). Under act utilitarianism, if 20 employees were polygraphed and 15 of them failed the test and were fired as a result, then the action would not be a moral one since more people would be left unhappy rather than happy. Using those same figures, if the rule or moral code that needed to be followed was that of a no drug policy, and the same 20 employees were polygraphed and again 15 failed and were fired, then the action would be a morally right one since firing the 15 employees made sure that the moral code was enforced. References

Compensation and Benefits Strategies Recommendations Essay

In this scenario, Team A has agreed to work with a small business, Landslide Limousine. Bradley Stonefield is our client whom we must develop some compensation and benefit recommendations. Landslide Limousine is a small business with approximately 25 employees that is located in Austin, Texas. First, Team A will conduct a market evaluation by researching what companies in the relevant market are providing to employees from a total compensation perspective. Second, recommend a compensation structure. Third, recommend the position in the market. Fourth, create a total compensation and benefits strategy. Fifth, consider the use of performance incentives and merit pay to recognize and engage employees. Lastly, identify laws related to the benefits and pay program. Market Evaluation On account of the tight competition in Austin Texas, it will be challenging as a small business owner starting out to be competing with the larger companies in the market. Luckily, Austin’s average pay for a limousine driver is 6% lower in this city than the national average which will be a benefit to Landslide Limousines. Austin has over 400 different competing companies in the area so having an upper hand on the total compensation of its employees will be highly beneficial. When looking at the area of competitors many do not offer health insurance or offer very little coverage to its employees. Between these companies very few allow the drivers to take all of their tips or compensation for these services. Along with these lacks of benefits, problems that could also occur in this market is the high turnover rate due to low wages. By offering these additional benefits that other competitors are not, it allows Landslide Limousines the ability to find the best drivers and retain them. Over time, retaining drivers will  save the company a significant amount of money not having to train new employees from constant turnover. In addition, being able to retain those that are experts in their fields, the customer satisfaction for the company will continually bring in new business allow the company to expand to 25 employees in the near future. Recommendation for Compensation Structure Based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average pay for a limousine driver in Texas is $10.95 a year or $22,770 based on a full time. This standard includes tenured and new drivers. The minimum wage is for Texas is $7.25 or $15,080. After looking at these statistics, it is recommended that you come up with a hiring structure based on experience and duties for the role. Also consider offering a premium pay for peak or late night hours. Keep in mind if it is decided to provide health insurance it is recommended to keep the wage slightly lower than if it were not to be offered. A business needs to keep a financial balance and by offering both a higher wage along with health benefits it could put Landslide Limousines in more than the fifty thousand in debt than expected. Since the company decided to allow drivers to keep ninety percent of their tips, it is recommended that the starting pay for the driver with 5 years’ experience be slightly below the Texas average given all the additional benefits the driver will receive. By giving drivers the ability to have ninety percent of their compensation pay, it gives them a high incentive to work at their best. It also allows the company the ability to track their best/most profitable drivers. Using this data will be significant when offering annual reviews and raises. Recommendation for Position in Market When looking at compensation and benefits one must look at their main competitors. Knowing one’s competition gives a view of whom in their market might sway or temp employees to the said organization. Landslide’s main competition is Big as Texas Limousine service and Austin Black service. These companies are currently operating in the Austin, Texas marketplace and are a large competitor. In addition, the market can easily offer skilled workers and great benefits. Landslide must offer a benefits package to keep up with their competitor, and if they wish to stay in business, keeping their employees satisfied amongst competition is a must. Team A recommends  that Landslide must offer similar or improved benefits to their employees. Further, Landslide should offer a training program to entry level employees so that the service is exceptional and customers will continue to utilize their business. Compensation and Benefits Strategy When running an organization, managers and other members of leaders needs to take a look at the compensation and benefit strategy. A strategic plan for employee compensation determines how much you want to pay employees and what type of employees you want to attract. Your compensation plan entails a variety of aspects including pay scales, reward programs, benefits packages and company perks. A successful strategic compensation plan allows your business to compete in the market for the best employees in your industry (â€Å"Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits†, 2014). Here are a few recommendation I would make to help with the creation of a compensation and benefit strategy plan. Attracting Quality Employees Your strategic plan for compensation plays a large role in attracting competent employees. Paying wages at or above the prevailing wage in the market for your company’s industry allows you to demand workers with more experience and positive work histories. Employing more qualified workers leads to better results, including higher productivity and customer service interactions. This can increase your company’s revenue and help your business establish its identity with consumers (â€Å"Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits†, 2014). Rewards for Performance A compensation strategy may also include rewards for employees based on workplace performance. This may include a commission-based system that rewards employees for total amount of sales or for consistent positive feedback from customers. A reward system should be easy for employees to understand and attainable enough at its lower levels to encourage employees to work harder to reach higher goals. A reward system with performance levels too high for employees to reach early on in the process won’t encourage harder work because employees will simply ignore it (â€Å"Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits†, 2014). Perks and Benefits Perks and benefits can make or break your company’s ability to attract the best and brightest in your industry. Offering health insurance benefits to full-time workers should be a goal of your strategic compensation plan. You can combine health insurance with other company perks, including paid holidays and guaranteed paid vacation time, to attract more qualified workers to your business. Your decision to offer these benefits is also contingent on the success of your company. You may choose to add health care coverage and paid time off to your benefits package only after your company is showing profitability or makes it past the first year (â€Å"Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits†, 2014). Incentives and Merit Pay Subsequently as this is a new limousine service, primarily driven by customer satisfaction. We must consider how to engage staff, by introducing performance incentive plans that support the key business objectives of the Limousine Service; motivating staff into achieving the goals set by management and providing cost-effective rewards for performance. Helm and Holladay (2007) stated, â€Å"Effective performance management involves a complete system of goal setting, training, communication, and ongoing feedback from a practice† (p. 4). Considering the current performance management strategic plan for the business, we will have 25 employees to begin the infrastructure. So we can reasonably consider implementing annual, quarterly annual, and end of year special incentives in addition to merit pay for every employee based on the company’s performance rating. Where the individual performance appraisal is described as â€Å"an important means to achieve goals set by the comp any’s top management, not just a way to change wages,† (Robbins & Judges, 2013, p. 254). The company will outline the quarterly objectives on the 3rd day of the first month of each quarter based on categories such as, leading happy people and driving out risk. Notably each department will have concrete and measurable key performance indicators(KPI)that will align with the Limousine company’s goals; also some defined employee’s will be responsible for multiple areas, and will have specific KPI’s or management by objectives( MBO) unique to their position. The annual portion of the incentive plan will be based on the execution of targets in the following categories; profit before taxes, customer service (gallop score) and service level scores, also marketing our stuff which the  total percentage of all groups equaling 100%. Additionally, an individual incentive will be paid to individuals that exceeded expectations in the customer service. Plus all the regular full-time and part-time employees are eligible, and those working less than 40 hours will receive prorated payments for all plan types. But in order to remain eligible to participate in the incentive scheme, employees must be given a performance rating of ‘fully met expectations’ and nothing less on their annual appraisals under the corporate performance evaluation program. Considerably, the implementation of incentives plans in addition to the performance management plan will create success for the company, and bred a culture of happy people. Related Laws to Benefits/Pay Program Team A has put together a few laws that pertain to Landslide Limousines. These laws will assist in the protection of business assets, employees, and customers. Understanding the laws and what one needs to do to stay in compliance is extremely vital in the success of a business. Otherwise, it can become a detriment and soon it will become the ultimate downfall of one’s brand and company. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 If an employee terminate employment or reduce their hours of employment, they will usually have the right to temporarily continue their health and dental coverage through their employer. This law requires that most employers sponsoring group health plans offer employees and their families the opportunity for a temporary extension of health and dental coverage (called â€Å"COBRA coverage†) at group rates in certain qualifying instances where coverage under the plan would otherwise end. If you are an employee of CWRU and are covered by one of the group health and dental plans, you have a right to choose COBRA coverage if you lose your group health coverage because of a reduction in your hours of employment or the termination of your employment (for reasons other than gross misconduct on your part) (â€Å"Laws Affecting Benefits†, 2011). HIPAA Privacy Rule The Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information; the HIPAA Security Rule, which sets national standards for the security of electronic protected health information; the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, which requires covered entities and business associates to provide notification following a breach of unsecured protected health information; and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety (â€Å"Health Information Privacy†, n.d). Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 Also known as â€Å"Janet’s Law,† the WHCRA requires health care benefit plans to provide certain coverage following a mastectomy. The law also requires annual notification to all plan participants and their covered beneficiaries (â€Å"Laws Affecting Benefits†, 2011). Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) prescribes standards for wages and overtime pay, which affect most private and public employment. The act is administered by the Wage and Hour Division. It requires employers to pay covered employees who are not otherwise exempt at least the federal minimum wage and overtime pay of one-and-one-half-times the regular rate of pay. For nonagricultural operations, it restricts the hours that children under age 16 can work and forbids the employment of children under age 18 in certain jobs deemed too dangerous. For agricultural operations, it prohibits the employment of children under age 16 during school hours and in certain jobs deemed too dangerous (â€Å"Summary of the Major Laws of the Department of Labor†, n.d). Conclusion In closing, Team A’s recommendations for Landslide Limousines will assist in the success of the company as Bradley Stonefield strives to become the top competitor in the market. Team A has put together a market evaluation. In addition, Team A has provided recommendation for compensation structure and position in market. Further, an outline of compensation and benefits strategy and a merit pay structure for employees. Lastly, laws that pertain to Landslide Limousines that can ultimately protect small businesses, their employees, and customers. References Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2013, May). Retrieved from Occupational Employment Statistics: Cascio, W. F. (2013). Managing Human resources (9th ed.), New York, NY the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Experienced Limo Driver Salary in Austin, Tx. (2014, December 6). Retrieved from Indeed:,-TX.html Health Information Privacy. (n.d). Retrieved from Laws Affecting Benefits. (2011). Retrieved from Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits. (2014). Retrieved from Summary of the Major Laws of the Department of Labor. (n.d). Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

My Eldest Cousin Essay

Many people admire singers, movie stars, who make so much money that they could do everything they want and are famous. However, they don’t even know the person or their personality whom they admire. To me, admiration is a kind of respect. But there aren’t a lot of people who deserve this sort of respect from me in this world. Respecting my parents who raised me is the important thing that I have to do for the rest of my life. Besides my parents, my eldest cousin is the only person who made me look at things differently. He is two years older than me. His name is Khoi. I can remember when I was a high school kid. My family used to live in a rural town that was far away from my school. For convenience, I had to stay temporarily in my aunt’s house for studying. My aunt has only one son who is my eldest cousin. He has curly hair, tall with dark skin and his body was built with muscle. Those things made him look extremely strong. I could imagine that he is like a stone, like Bruce Lee. He was very good at sports. Read more:  Most admirable person  essay Playing basketball was his favorite one. Whenever he played, his team won most of the time. It was interesting to observe how extremely emotionally involved he was in the game. He had many fans in our school, many people liked him. I can remember one of his games. His team was down by three points and they had only five seconds left, he had the ball from a teammate and then he made a three pointer to make the game in a tie. They went over time. Finally, his team won by five points. After finishing the game, some of his fans carried him and ran around the basketball court for celebrating. Sport was always for him a source of fun, emotions, experiences, which are important ingredients in his spiritual life. Not only he was very good at sports, but also his knowledge was broad. He was the person who had the highest grades in the school. All teachers loved him, they always told us â€Å" Khoi is a good student, he deserves to be the person for you to learn from†. He did too great in the school. Consequently, few people hated him because they were jealous. Despite of the fact that he was a good student in our school, he wasn’t haughty. He always thought that he had to learn more and more every day even though he was only 18 years old by that time. At home, he was also a good son. He always respected his parents and elders. He helped his mother to clean house, wash dishes, mop floors more and more†¦ He also helped me on my homework, helped me whenever I got in troubles. Our neighbors liked him too. One of our neighbor talked to his parents and said â€Å"You have a great son, you must be proud of him†. His parents were very happy. My cousin never stopped learning new things. He always got advices from other people even though he had his ideas to solve his problems. He became a business man successfully after finishing his major. He was glad to help everyone who was in our family whenever we had troubles. He taught me about life experience and helped me when I got in troubles. For example, after a long day of work he was really tired and just wanted to go home and took a nap. Instead, he spent time and listened to me about troubles that I had. And then he solved the problems and gave me some advices before taking the shower. In conclusion, I admire my eldest cousin because he taught me about life, and tried to help me when I needed him. He is the greatest person that I’ve ever known. He is the person that I would like to learn from. He advised me that I need to treat people respectfully; I should not stop learning new things and try to help people if they need me. Otherwise, my life will be meaningless.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Against Capital Punishment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Against Capital Punishment - Research Paper Example The whole purpose of criminal justice system is to rehabilitate criminals but capital punishment defeats this very purpose. Killing a criminal means that state believes there is no chance a criminal can improve. Capital punishment therefore should not be permissible because it is not found to be effective, can result in killing of an innocent person and defeats the concept of rehabilitation. Studies have proved that crime rate does not decrease as a result of administration of capital punishment. A comparison between two states of similar culture and crime rate has shown that execution does not deter crime (Zimring, Fagan, & Johnson 2009). This comparison was made between two states, one with capital punishment law and other without it. This clearly shows that killing a person does not produce the widely argued ‘deterrence’ effect. Killing a person cannot decrease crime rate and therefore the main argument that is made in favor of capital punishment is rejected. There are many other motivators of crimes therefore death punishment alone cannot reduce crime rates significantly. A criminal is not thinking rationally when he or she commits a crime therefore it is impossible to stop criminal behavior just by the threat of capital punishment. The argument of deterrence can also work if capital punishment is prohibited. A lifelong sentence in prison can also deter a criminal so there is no need for capital punishment. Sometimes capital punishment is not justified for certain types of criminals. For example serial killers and serial rappers should be forced to live all their life in confinement. This should be more appropriate for them as killing them at once will only end their life but lifelong confinement will hurt them daily. The concept of retribution, therefore, can also be well served by abolishing capital punishment. Research has also suggested that bad prison conditions

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Zirconium Oxide Manufacturing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Zirconium Oxide Manufacturing - Essay Example The essay "Zirconium Oxide Manufacturing" talks about the zirconium oxide characteristics that allow it to be a refractory insulating material, industrial manufacture of crucibles and production of alkaline zirconate. The essay also describes the process and routes for industrial manufacture of Zirconium oxide including chlorination, alkali decomposition, lime fusion and precipitation of the acidic reagents. Zirconium is usually obtained from sand as a raw material for the production of zirconium oxide. The zirconium sand is calcined with either lime or a mixture of lime and magnesia. The resulting product is an alkaline earth zirconate and sodium silicate and zirconium oxide can be recovered from sodium zirconate free from alkalis to obtain it in its pure form, the impurities must be removed first. Water is added to the mixture of Sodium silicate and sodium zirconate which are in solid form and this result in the formation of a complex hydrated zirconium hydroxide with a high level of alkalinity. In order to separate the salts, the process of precipitation is conducted using sodium either sodium oxide or sodium carbonate and these results in the formation of zirconium hydroxide and from the hydroxide of zirconium, zirconium oxide can be obtained. Therefore, it's possible to achieve an energy efficient system that can be used to manufacture Zirconium oxide in and industry and this requires that the proper temperature and time period is maintained for the reactions to take place effectively.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sexuality around the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sexuality around the world - Essay Example As medicine strives to provide medical explanation of homosexuality, sociologists and sexologist aim to understand the psychology of homosexuality in the cultural aspect. While homosexuality is an expression of personal freedom, it also leads to social issues such as harassment, persecution by the society, and violence. One of the most common factors contributing to discrimination against homosexuals is the gender orientation of the society. As cultural traditions vary from country to country, so does the acceptance of homosexuals and bisexuals. In a research by Judith Mackay, about 50 countries consider male homosexuality as illegal; 8 of which (mostly Muslim countries) impose the death penalty (75). This unfavorable attitude toward homosexuality causes sexual dysfunction as homosexuals are hindered in expressing their sexuality. Homosexuals experience sexual dysfunction for fear of being persecuted. In addition, social pressures contribute to the loss of integrity, as well as the economic and social status of homosexuals. While gender orientation causes psychological, sexual dysfunction among homosexuals, women in cultures practicing female genital mutilation experience the same dysfunction in the physical aspect. Female genital mutilation (FGM), as a cultural practice, deprives women to have sexual pleasure for the thought that it prevents them from having sexual relations with men other than their husbands. FGM also causes physical, sexual dysfunction, which is otherwise known as hypoactive sexual disorder. Hypoactive sexual disorder is characterized by several symptoms including reduced pleasure in having sex, formation of keloid scars, and complications in the female reproductive system (Whitehorn, Ayonrinde, and Maingay 166-167). While FGM raises issues on human rights, it also influences the advancement of studies with regard to women’s health. Sexuality, as an issue concerning

Monday, August 26, 2019

Budgeting and reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Budgeting and reporting - Essay Example With such dominance in prices and number of consultations it is a disappointment that the firm has lower net income than the competitor. The advisory scheme is underutilized by the clients of the firm. On average they use around 75% of all prepaid consultations, which is not an advantage for the firm. The firm would prefer to have clients use all 100% and pay extra hours with regular fees. However, it has to be balanced with the satisfaction of the clients that might be happy to prepay current levels. Overall the firm looks more inefficient in managing costs compared to the competitor. Appendix 2 also reveals that the competitor attracts more new enquiries and gives more consultations to new clients. This is a sign of strong growth (Chadwick, 1997), combined with the number of complaints it indicates that the competitor is better at attracting and retaining new clients, which might provide substantial future advantage in the business development. The worrying number is the number of successful claims for negligent advice. Each successful claim undermines the reputation of the firm and projects a negative image to prospective and existing clients. It can be a big driver for clients to switch to the competitor in the future as it is a strong indicator of the service quality. The decision of the production director to source cheaper material and to use lower grade labour is reflected in the variance analysis. Material price increased, however, the material usage gace adverse effect due to increased wastage. Overall, the material variance is negative 5100-7500=-2400$, which signals that the benefit of using cheaper material with higher waste is questionable. The same goes for the lower grade labour, which improved labour rate and worsened labour efficiency. It shows that number of hours spent by the lower grade labour is higher than

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Learning agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Learning agreement - Essay Example Kim. This will be the best opportunity to capitalize on his experience as well as maximize on the growing interactions I will have with other employees at the workplace. The department has three main areas where I will spend at least five hours a week at each to learn as much as I can during my internship program. This will provide at least three intense rotations as explained below. The first rotation will involve the shelving of the goods as they come. With the busy schedules here, the number of suppliers is also high and the work required when shelving will be intense. I will be receiving the supplies and making sure that they are shelved. Before shelving hem, I will have to check the expiry date. This will mean that the first foods to go will be those having short expiry dates and making sure that the arrangement reflects the need to follow the restrictions accorded (Ojugo 116-7). The obsolete stock will have to be shelved in other areas away from the fresh supplies. I will also need to take stock of the expired stock, spoiled stock, damaged stock and provide evidence of the same. In the process of documenting these stocks, I will have to check on the environment of the stocks and make sure that everything is working as required. The goal is to establish the proper storage requirements and standards (Ojugo 117). The second rotation will involve serving. With the growing need to make everything work towards the growth of my skills, it is only important to learn how to make good servings and also appreciate cleanliness as a way of making everyone happy with my work. I understand that the pressures emanating from the different orders within the workplace will always make it difficult to reach the level of indulgence needed to attain growth within my preferred level of indulgence. The third rotation will be in the management sector where I will be conducting trainings. The aim is to ensure

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Alternative Courses of Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Alternative Courses of Action - Essay Example An example one has gone through in gathering and evaluating information from a number of sources prior to making a decision would thereby be presented as follows: As one was pursuing a Business Management Degree from 2007 to 2011, it was deemed crucial that to assist in supporting one’s academic requirements, there is a need to find employment where one’s knowledge, abilities, and skills would be appropriately used and developed. Finding the preferred job according to one’s academic background, competencies and skills that would fit the requirements of the position is an example of a situation that necessitates gathering and evaluating different options and where ones decision would actually depend on the organizations which would relay a positive response to one’s job application. After two years of studying, one sought possible employment in fields seeking positions that do not require specific educational qualifications but where minimum criteria could be immediately met. There were positions open for Care Assistants or for Customer Service Representatives. Since these two positions were preferred, these became one’s alternative courses of action: to choose applying for a Care Assistant job or to select a Customer Service Representative Job. To gather pertinent information needed to analyze these options, one searched online sources of job descriptions, average annual income, locations of employer, the skills and educational requirements. Both positions offer basically the same salary ranges ( £15,000 per annum) but the job descriptions and responsibilities are contrasting. Care assistants focus on â€Å"provides help and support to people with limited mobility or other care needs.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Future of Airline Operators amidst the Oil Crisis Essay

The Future of Airline Operators amidst the Oil Crisis - Essay Example Theories abound the origin of oil, and like other forms of fossil fuel, is believed to have come from ancient animal and plant remains that was buried under soil and mud through a very long period of time and settled down into the Earth's crusts. The buried ancient animal and plant matter piled upon the Earth's crust and eventually compressed and heated by the Earth's immense internal pressure and temperature. The oil then seeped through the rock layers forming reservoirs, most of which are found in desserts, ocean bottoms, ice layers and many other external terrain formations (Wikipedia, 2006a). These oil reservoirs are being harvested right now by countries that were fortunate enough to have an oil reserve in their midsts, particularly in the Middle East where the most abundant oil reserves are found. These countries now form the organisation known as OPEC (Oil Producing and Exporting Countries) which controls most of the world's oil supply and prices. While it seems like the suppl y of oil is unlimited it is not, the supply of oil is beginning to dwindle. ... d was way cheaper back in the period of the World Wars it was at these period that oil was still abundant and conflicts on the price and supply of oil were non-existent. The OPEC was not founded yet and inflation was not too much prevalent back then. Brandly (2004) the current oil crisis is predicted by Hubbert's Peak (or Hubbert's model or theory as some authors put it) which states and assumes that oil is non-renewable and that even though organic matter is currently added to the Earth's crust and that the rate of decomposition and conversion of this organic matter into crude oil will not catch up with the world's demand for oil. The 'peak' in Hubbert's Peak refers to the highest point of oil production at a certain area which will be soon followed by a sudden drop leading to a crisis. According to those who believe in Hubbert's theory, the world is now at its peak and is nearing another major oil crisis not because of political conflict but mainly due to a real short in oil supply . In a National Geographic article written by Appenzeller (2004), oil companies are now putting more human and financial resources in finding new oil sources. It only means that the actual crisis is happening not after the 1st drop of oil has been extracted but rather in the present when oil production is at its peak. The world is predicted to run out of oil in about 5 to 30 years from now. The oil shortage will not only affect transport and power generation, but also other factors as Amos (2004) reported, stating that oil process will affect birth rates, food prices and other commodities. This is especially true with Third World countries where the price of oil on the world market affects the basic commodities. Amos (200) points out that the economic depression will force people

Aerodynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Aerodynamics - Essay Example It corrects the destabilization and possible accident that may occur when one engine of a plane collapses or fails when flying. According to Gudmundsson (2014), a plane loses over 80% of the existing thrust levels when operating with two engines. The loss may cause huge damage unless critical response modalities are undertaken first hand to change and reconfigure the pitch attitude and drag predicament of the aircraft. When one engine cools off, the airspeed signal or indicator will move towards the red redial line that is located at the lower end of AS1. The redial indicator shows the VMC level at the point in time. If the red light indicates or moves to the 80-MPH mark on the AS1 then danger looms, as the unthinkable is prone to happen despite the full thrush that is produced by the functioning engine. As noted, the most critical moments that the airplanes engines are imperative are during takeoff or a few seconds after takeoff. During this time, the airspeed is at its lowest prompting the engines to develop maximum rated horsepower. The power is to guarantee speed and security of the plane and ensure that any fault is not recorded (Gudmundsson, 2014). If the engine quits or becomes dormant at the stage then the pilot has two options 1. The plane can proceed with the departure climb that will facilitate the asymmetric thrust from the single operating engine. This will cause the airplane to flip on its back effectively at a bank range of 5 degrees that is favorable. 2. The departure of the aircraft can be continued and climb on a single engine especially when the speed is sufficiently fast (Gudmundsson, 2014). The degree level of bank is a key determinant of VMC as it causes either increase or decrease in the VMC level or the speed of operation of the plane. 2 to 5 degree level is recommended for favorable VMC as compared to degree levels beyond 5 as such arrange may cause

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Employee Training and Career Development Essay Example for Free

Employee Training and Career Development Essay There are many elements within an organization that can ensure its success, two of which are the training and the development of its employees. Training and developing employees effectively would provide all employees at all levels the tools and information they will need to perform their jobs successfully within the company. Implementing effective employee development methods can be a benefit and can ensure that changes in the daily routine are accomplished. Programs can be made available to meet the needs of the company with the involvement of the human resources department. These programs are very important for the development and training of the career minded employee. Role of Training in an Organizations Development DeCenzo and Robbins (2007) indicate that employee training is the present-oriented training that focuses on an individuals current jobs.  This indicates that developing employees knowledge and skill set is a key factor in assisting employees in performing their job functions more effectively. While organizational development is contingent on how employees will perform in their daily job functions, employee training offers the opportunity to further develop the employees attitude, skill set, knowledge, and reactions to possible stressors. When workers become open to new training techniques and become more experienced in performing new job requirements the company benefits along with the employee. Employee training aids in more viable production, and even though employee training can cost an organization financially the long-term effects of properly training its employee is more valuable to the organization than the overall cost it incurs. The company can further the development of its employees by providing additional training which puts value in the employees personal stock, increases the talent pool and increases the duties the employee can perform. Employee Development Methods and Benefits According to DeCenzo and Robbins (2007) career-oriented training assists companies by focusing on an employees personal growth. These types of methods consist of assistant-to positions, job rotation, committee assignment, and off- the-job development. The assistant-to positions method assists an employee who is seeking a management position. The method involves providing the employee with the opportunity of working side-by-side with experienced managers. Working as an assistant to a manager provides much needed experience in various activities and the opportunity to perform duties at a higher caliber. Employee development by implementing the job rotation method assists in cross-training employees in various positions within the company. This method offers employees an opportunity to sharpen skills in various positions. Job rotation consists of two forms of rotations; one form is referred to as the vertical rotation which consists of promoting an employee to a new position. The second form is called the horizontal rotation which provides employees an opportunity to perform duties in various positions  within the companys daily operations. Job rotations can be extremely beneficial because they can increase an employees skill set within the company, allowing them to have hands on knowledge of the daily operations of many job positions (DeCenzo Robbins, 2007). Committee assignments are another method of employee development. Committee assignments benefit both the company and employees as it permits an employee to develop his or her skill set by watching other employee, it aids in the investigation of organizational issues, and assists in the organizational decision making process (DeCenzo Robbins, 2007). The committee assignment can also help in develop employees skills. Assigning employees to permanent committee assignments can assist the company in the decision-making processes as well as researching long-term goals. The off-the-job method of employee development consists of simulation exercises, seminars, lecture courses, and outdoor training that the employee would be involved in. Simulations are beneficial because they provide each employee the opportunity to be involved in a realistic work experience by completing certain work-related exercises. These exercises consist of role playing, case studies and games based on decision making (DeCenzo Robbins, 2007). Simulations are beneficial because they can prepare employees with possible ways to handle stressful situations in the workplace with co-workers and in customer service situations. Seminars, lecture courses, and outdoor training are other kinds of employee development. Seminars and lectures benefit a company by helping employees develop and acknowledge the analytical and conceptual abilities they have concerning the employees profession. There are various methods of putting on lectures and seminars. These methods are via distance learning and a less cost-efficient method of using the Internet. Outdoor training is beneficial to an organization as it teaches employees team building skills. An employee performing several physical challenges in the wilderness is what the outdoor training entails. Performing these physical challenges helps organizations understand how they will respond under pressure, and how they work as a team. These challenges empower employees to work together as a team and it  encourages employees to build relationships by accomplishing these stressful challenges within a group setting. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMPLOYEE AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT To allow companies to focus on making improvements, management must focus on the importance of developing a relationship between the employee and organizational development. According to DeCenzo Robbins, Organizational development consists of addressing changes within the organization. (2007). Organizational and employee development is important when implementing new processes and procedures within a company. To perform new processes, management will need to train department employees on new production methods and the procedures and skill sets to perform these new processes. To accomplish these processes the company and employees will have to adjust to operational changes. Human resources management will first need to identify these changes and create training programs to improve the employees skills on the new processes. Human Resources Managements Role in Career Development Human resources managements role in career development has increased of late. To assist employees in achieving their career goals, human resources management strives to provide employees with the tools needed to accomplish these goals. The current career development programs of the Human resources management department help HRM give employees the self-confidence to further their education. This is done by communicating the plans and goals, tuition reimbursement, growth opportunities, and scheduling educational classes. Developing employees careers is extremely beneficial to the company. Developing an employees career helps to retain and promote highly talented employees within the company along with assisting women and other minorities by giving them the opportunities to grow within the organization. It will also help to create cultural diversity in the workplace while improving the quality and performance of the employees work skills. (DeCenzo Robbins, 2007). Creating and implementing a career development plan will help human resources management deliver the organizations main goals in attracting,  retaining, and promoting employees within the company. PERSONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT REFLECTION My personal career development involves successfully completing my education by earning my degree in Business Management focusing on Human Resources Management. I have a great career currently with a company that supports my desire to earn a degree and has encouraged my efforts and has promoted me as I have progressed in my knowledge and abilities. I see my career in five years with this same organization, which offers me the ability to continue with my education and also continually offers career oriented training through my employer. My employer has promoted me as I have advanced in my educational efforts, and encourages all of its employees to further their education. They provide great benefits and a 401(k) along with profit sharing, so this is a company that I plan to utilize my degree with. My companys career developments opportunities will be sufficient because I currently monitor the Human Resource needs in our office and as our office grows, my duties will continue to grow, and as my knowledge expands, I will be more valuable to my company. My company believes in investing in its employees, offering seminars, online training programs, and promoting from within. My company is constantly offering trainings to keep all employees up to date on our job functions, and invests in updating software and computers to ensure we have the tools to do our jobs. The company that I work for has proven that it is committed to developing and promoting talented and career minded employees. I believe that when a company offers employees the opportunity to advance and that company invests in its employees, the employees have a duty to give their all to the company. CONCLUSION The human resources managements role to career development and employee involves many steps. These steps consist of many beneficial methods of training employees while helping develop their career. The growing relationship between employees and organizational development involves educating employees on changes in the organizational process. Human  resources managements role in career development is providing employees with the tools to successfully reach their goals and career achievements and to develop additional skill sets and gain more knowledge to become a well-rounded and more seasoned employee who can function in any job within the company. Resources DeCenzo, D.A., Robbins, S.P. (2007). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (9th ed.) . Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Agricultural Climate Adaptation Plan

Agricultural Climate Adaptation Plan Krity Neermul Agricultural Climate Adaptation Plan: A Case Study of the Mauritius Sugar Cane Industry Introduction: Climate change being now a reality, the future weather projections of Mauritius is contemplating a warmer and drier condition in the coming years. The annual temperature is expected to increase by 2.0Â °C by the 2060s and a decrease in the annual rainfall by 13% by 2050s coupled with extreme events like recurrent flash flood, acute drought and cyclone (McSweeney et al., 2010). Agriculture is fundamentally driven and dependent on climate and as such any distortion in the climatic conditions would have serious consequences on production. Likewise, the thread of climate change to the sugarcane industry of Mauritius is now real. Hence, given it considerable economic, social and environmental importance, sugar cane industry should be; prepared for and shielded again, the potential devastating effect of climate change. It is undebatable that the effect of climate on the industry would be felt all throughout its value chain line starting from the primary industry, passing through secondary level and going up the ladder till the national economic benchmark (Muchow et al., 1999). The impacts are real which are mainly due to due rise in temperature, low precipitation and extreme events and are concentrated around: Low yield Decrease in sugar production. Inefficient planning of crushing campaign by millers and harvesting period extended. Penalties by buyer, for unable to supply required amount of sugar as per contract. Required underground water for irrigation. Hence competition with other crops. Emergence of pests and diseases. Replantation constraints. Decrease of GDP. Decrease in foreign currency return. Affect policy and national budget program. Economic dis-balance Having an overview of the potential impacts of climate change on the Mauritian Sugarcane Industry, its effect can be reduced by formulating the right mitigation and adaptation strategies. Both strategies are of uttermost importance in the sense that; mitigation would mainly focus on stratagems required to limits further deterioration of the global climate and adaptation would address specific issues on how to reduce the severity of climate change due to past and future emission by mankind. Therefore the objective of this paper is to prepare an adaptation and mitigation plan on how to make the sugarcane industry viable and continue to be effective in projected harsh climatic conditions like higher temperature, low precipitation and extreme events. 2.0Â  Adaptation strategies 2.1 Government involvement The Government of Mauritius being a signatory of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and member in several international bodies like IPCC, World Climate Programme of the World Meteorological Organisation and UNFCCC, is duty bound to fulfil its commitment in mitigating and preparation of its national adaptation plan for climate change. Furthermore, in the wake of framing the adaptation plan, the leadership of the government is crucial for its concretisation together with all stakeholders. Government of Mauritius should play a central role in the development of an adaptation strategy for the sugarcane sector pertaining to policy formulation, research and development, fund disbursement, role of institutions among others. The concept of Maurice Ile Durable is the right project which is looking into climate adaptation strategies. 2.2Â  Research and development Assessment proves that climate change particularly due to low rainfall and rise in temperature would affect sugar cane production if the existing varieties together with operational framework are maintained. Therefore, to mitigate the effect of water stress due to low rainfall and high temperature, researches should be oriented toward breeding new cultivars that would be drought resistant and at the same time withstand higher temperature. There is real potential in breeding new varieties, like evocated by Inman-Bamber et al., (2012) that sugarcane cultivar differences in drought adaptation exist and concurrently, Matthieson (2007) further stated that plant breeders should therefore continue to breed varieties that tolerate drought conditions or greater water use efficiency. Another strategy could be that growers drop single variety plantation throughout their fields and move to multi-cultivars field cover which would decrease the risk of collateral damage in the event of failure of o ne particular variety due to water stress (Challinor et al., 2007). Pests and diseases incidences are expected to increase with climate change and they are even expected to be difficult to control due to alteration of their genomes (Harmon et al., 2009). To that regard, together with plant breeding program, biotechnology could be an essential tool in developing new cultivars which would be pests and diseases resistant and their release could be faster in an eventual outbreaks. As stated by Cheavegatti-Gianotto et al. (2011) that apart from conventional breeding of new varieties to shadow the effect of climate change, researchers should practice biotechnology so as to diminish abiotic and biotic stresses associated with sugarcane. These tasks are under the responsibilities of the Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute which is the sugarcane research and development arm of the Island. 2.3Â  Water and land requirement Water is expected to be a limited resources in the near future as a result of climate change and the effect of low water availability on sugar cane production is well known. Therefore, apart from having drought tolerant varieties, it is essential to curtail water wastage and inefficient use. In view thereof, introduction of appropriate irrigation technologies and schemes are fundamental like increasing use of supplementary water, optimisation of irrigation scheduled to maximise water use efficiency, effective irrigation water delivery technologies, and modification to row spacing, minimum tillage and the use of cover crops. Under its reform program of the sugarcane industry, the Government of Mauritius is already investing in the Field Operation, Re-grouping and Irrigation Project (FORIP). Since most small farmers fields are rain fed, thus the aim is to install irrigation facilities to these lands which would at time benefit the growers and also preparing to sustain future attack of climate change. Another ambitious project laid by the government is construction of additional dams for water storage and this would be an important strategy in mitigating the effect of low rainfall in the long run. Climate change would also affect the soil structure required by sugarcane for growth and maturing. Heavy rainfall, cyclone and thunderstorms as a result of climate change, impact the soil aggregate, causes surface runoff and affect infiltration rate (VÃ ¡rallyay, 2010). Furthermore, Brevik (2013) mapped response of plants to elevated atmospheric CO2level with soil nutrients (N and P) dis-balance and soil organic matter reduction essential to support growth and maintain soil stability. In Mauritius sugarcane is harvested either fresh of burnt. Therefore one possible way to mitigate effect of climate change would be adopting fresh harvest. This would imply leaving all residues in the fields which could be useful in weed suppression, increasing the content of organic matter in the soil which increases water holding capacity; improve soil structure and biological activity in the soil. Furthermore use of trash blanketing to intercept raindrops and increase water infiltration; conserve ti llage, and alter row configurations are also recommended. 2.4Â  Harvesting and milling requirement It is known that decrease yield would create some degree of uncertainty in planning for harvesting and crushing campaign. A potential strategy could be use of seasonal climate forecasts in planning for optimum harvesting and crushing season. Low yield would also entail poor viability and profitability of sugar mills. In this line, in the Multi Annual Adaptation Strategy (MAAS) mentioned has been made for centralisation of existing sugar factories into clusters so as to be more efficient and profitable. Previously there were 21 factories around the island and now with the reform spelled under MAAS, there are 4 big flexi-factories which are operational. Despite sugarcane is mainly cultivated for sugar production, yet derivatives products like energy from bagasse and bio-fuel from molasses are having increasing important. The concept of flexi-factory resides around the fact that the mill can instantly shift from its main product which is sugar, in case of an event, to another production like electricity from biomass. This could become an economic opportunity in case the primary industry is affected with regard to low sucrose content within the crop stand. 2.5Â  Extreme events (Cyclone) More cyclone with higher intensity is expected as a result of climate change and such occurrence would affect the whole industry. During cyclone the crop would be affected seriously which would require additional post cyclone inputs for the re-establishment. As an adaptation strategy, it is therefore proposed to plant trees around the field to act as windbreak. In order to mitigate the financial losses to be incurred by planters in an event of cyclone, government should encourage growers to take insurance policy again the associated risk. 2.6Â  Economic implications Financial shortfall due to low sugar production could have serious economic consequences for all stakeholders of the industry including national budgetary planning. To lessen the economic burden that might result due to climate change, initiatives like diversification of the economy is imperative. Emerging sectors like ICT and offshores are already in the pipeline of the central government policy framework. Since Mauritius has a contractual obligation to supply 400, 000 tonnes of refined white sugar annually to the buyer, therefore a good initiative has recently been taken which deal with importing raw sugar from other partner countries and reprocessing same into white sugar. This step fill the gap if ever the quota is not met as a result of climate change. 3.0Â  Barriers to effective adaptation plan for the sugarcane industry In the attempt to prepare an effective adaptation plan for the Mauritian Sugarcane industry to continue to be resilient despite facing the negative impacts of climate change, several barriers emerged. The barriers are particularly categorised in four main pillars pertaining to regulatory, organisational, market failure and behavioural barriers. 3.1Â  Regulatory barriers The central government has a very important role to play in the preparation of the adaptation strategies for policy and regulatory making. As evocated earlier that biotechnology could prove to be an essential tool for designing new cultivars that would suit and adapt climate change. Moreover, one barrier that exist is that there is no proper piece of legislation so far that would legalised biotechnology and genetically modified organism. Another barrier is not enough fund and resources being allocated to the sugar cane industry these days hence constraints for the scientist to explore deeper for potential varieties. It is often observed that in the Finance Act these days marginal finance is deployed to RD for sugarcane industry in fact there is reduction of staff and cut cost process. Mentioned has also been made for insurance cover but the constraint that might arose is government intervention with private companies or for subsidies initiatives. Government processes always take time and this would acting as an obstacle for prompt intervention to help and assist for farmers in distress following extreme events like cyclone. Mentioned has also been made for the concept of flexi-factory pertaining to electricity generation rather than sugar manufacture in extreme event. The biggest draw back and barrier for this concept is that planters, entitlement. The current law makes provision for planters being remunerated for amount of recoverable sugar from their cane and a very marginal return from bagasse used to generate electricity. Therefore if no proper act is enacted where equitable share of return is given to the planters’ community then the take-off of the flexi-factory project particularly for energy production would be hindered. 3.1.1Â  Organisational Barrier Disputes between millers and farmers are omnipresent when sugarcane quality supplied to the factories come in to play. Arbitration of disputes have never been an easy and rapid task since it has legal implications. Therefore in circumstances of extreme event where the sucrose per cent is low, millers would refused to take the cane for milling until a decision is not taken by competent authorities. The time taken by organisation to make a decision would result in more economic losses to planters since already harvested canes deteriorate with time if milling delayed. 3.1.2 Market failures It is proposed that raw sugar be imported from other countries and reprocessed into refine white sugar in case the quota not fulfilled from local production. But the main constraint might be market accessibility and acceptability. There is a growing concern for fair trade these days where all cultural practices are documented and norms respected. Moreover, if raw sugar is used from a country which does not satisfy the standards, then this strategy would just fail and its recurrent might end up the contractual agreement, then further problem would arise in searching for alternate potential buyers. 3.1.3 Behavioural barriers. Acceptance of GMO is still having some ethnical refusal and this would act as a barrier in developing new resistant varieties. It is commonly observed that planters are more attached to traditional farming and system and they are quite resistant in adopting new strategies like regrouping and mechanisation. Therefore this is impeding the ambitious project of FORIP to reach its cruised speed with the objective to mitigate the effects of climate change. 4.0Â  Mitigation strategies In the attempt of decreasing considerably green-house gas emission in the atmosphere, sugarcane industry could play a role model. The co-generation of electricity recently embraced by the sugarcane industry is a good show piece. In this concept, during the harvesting period, the power plant utilised bagasse instead of coal to produce electricity for export to the national grid. The sugarcane industry is a whole picture in itself where every emission from power plant are trapped back by the sugarcane plant which is well known for its carbon dioxide fixing capability. Another by-product which came out from the processing of sugar is filter cake (scum). The scum is used as bio-fertiliser in grower’s fields. This strategy decreases the dependency on chemical fertiliser and at the same time helps in soil conservation. 5.0Â  Conclusion To conclude, the impacts of climate change is likely to affect all stakeholders of the Mauritian Sugarcane Industry throughout all its operating value chain. Having a good adaptation plan is important but to be successful, the adaptation strategies demand for active participation of each and every one. Moreover, not all strategies could easily be implemented because there are barriers that prevent its effective implementation. Furthermore as always said prevention is better than cure, then it is equally important to have a climate change mitigation framework with aim not to further deteriorate the already affected climate. References McSweeney, C., M. New and G. Lizcano (2010). UNDP Climate Change Country Profiles: Mauritius. School of Geography and Environment, University of Oxford. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Muchow, R.C., Robertson M.J. and Keating, B.A. (1997). Limits to the Australian sugar industry: climatic and biological factors. In ‘Intensive sugarcane production: meeting the challenges Beyond 2000. BA Keating, JR Wilson (eds) pp. 37–54. (CAB International: Wallingford, UK). Mathieson L (2007). Climate change and the Australian Sugar Industry: Impacts, adaptation and R D opportunities. Sugar Research and Development Corporation. Australia. Challinor A, Wheeler T, Garforth C, Craufurd P, Kassam A (2007). Assessing the vulnerability of food crop systems in Africa to climate change. Climate Change 83:381-399. Inman-Bamber N G, Lakshmanan P, Park S (2012). Sugarcane for water-limited environments: Theoretical assessment of suitable traits. Field Crops Res. 134:95–104. Harmon, J.P., Moran N.A. and Ives, R.A. (2009). Species Response to Environmental Change: Impacts of Food Web Interactions and Evolution. Science 323:1347. Cheavegatti-Gianotto A, Abreu H M C, Arruda P, Bespalhok F J C, Burnquist W L, Creste S, Ciero L, Ferro J A, Oliveira F A V, Sousa F T, Grossi-de-SÃ ¡ M F, Guzzo E C, Hoffmann H P, Andrade L M G, Matsuoka S, Castro R F, Romano E, Silva W J, Castro S F M, CÃ ©sar U E (2011). Sugarcane (Saccharum X officinarum): A Reference Study for the Regulation of Genetically Modified Cultivars in Brazil. Tropical Plant Biol. 4(1):62-89. Park, S., Howden, M. and Horan, H. (2007). Evaluating the impact of and capacity for adaptation to climate change on sectors in the sugar industry value chain in Australia. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 26, 312-324. Multi Annual Adaptation Strategy Report, (2006 – 2015), Mauritius. Brevik, E.C. (2013). The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Soil Properties and Processes and Corresponding Influence on Food Security VÃ ¡rallyay, G. (2010). The impact of climate change on soils and on their water management. Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (RISSAC) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Agronomy Research 8 (Special Issue II), 385–396

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Co-Occurring Disorders and Behavioral Health Services

Co-Occurring Disorders and Behavioral Health Services Jasmina Vuksanovic Co-Occurring Disorders and Behavioral Health Services Co-occurring disorders exist â€Å"when at least one disorder of each type can be established independent of the other and is not simply a cluster of symptoms resulting from a single disorder.†1 It has also been defined as the co-occurrence of â€Å"two or more psychiatric disorders.†2 Depending on the disorders involved, comorbidity may be homotypic, which involves disorders from the same diagnostic group, such as alcohol use and drug use, or heterotypic, which involves disorders from different diagnostic groups, such as alcohol use and depression.2 Prevalence and Demographic Factors Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most prevalent mental disorders in the United States, affecting approximately 6.7% of U.S adults each year.3 Alcohol use disorder (AUD), defined as both alcoholism and harmful drinking, is also prevalent in the United States and often co-occurs with MDD. AUD affects approximately 17 million Americans each year.4 Although research has not established a definitive etiological risk factor for both MDD and AUD, there are several proposed theories as to the association between these two disorders. Studies have shown that depressive symptoms may emerge during periods of heavy drinking and withdrawal.5 Continued heavy alcohol use may be a precursor to stressful life events, which in turn increases the risk of depression.5 Conversely, individuals battling depression are likely to drink heavily in order to cope with the depression, which in turn increases the risk of developing AUD.5 Among those with AUD, women have higher depression than men, as do Whites, compared to racial and/or ethnic minorities.5 In the general population, alcohol dependent men have a 24.3% lifetime prevalence of major depression, whereas alcohol dependent women have a 48.5% lifetime prevalence of major depression.5 In clinical samples, the lifetime rates of co-occurrence for women range from 50% to 70%.5 Co-occurrence of AUD a nd MDD is also associated with increased morbidity, mortality, functional impairment, and risk of suicide.6 Another co-occurring disorder of interest is schizophrenia and substance use disorder. Schizophrenia is a chronic illness associated with hallucinations and disorganized behavior, while the most common substances of abuse are alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine.1 Schizophrenia affects approximately 1% of Americans, and approximately 50% of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia also suffer from a co-occurring substance use disorder.7 When compared to individuals who suffer from schizophrenia only, dually diagnosed individuals have lower adherence to treatment, increased risk of HIV, higher hospitalization rates, are more prone to violent behavior, and are more likely to commit suicide.7 Schizophrenia runs in the family. If one parent has schizophrenia, the risk of a child developing the disorder is 13%; if both parents have schizophrenia, the risk increases to 46%.8 Schizophrenia does not discriminate and affects men and women equally. Symptoms often begin between the ages of 16 and 30 and does not commonly occur in children or adults older than 45 years.8 Additionally, individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and a substance use disorder often experience onset earlier in their life than do those who suffer from schizophrenia only.8 Service Delivery Barriers and Strategies to Overcome These Barriers The fragmented health care system poses a huge barrier for individuals seeking care for co-occurring disorders. Due to this fragmentation, patients are not able to receive comprehensive and coordinated care for addiction services and mental health care. Of those struggling with co-occurring disorders, â€Å"8.5 % of individuals receive treatment for both disorders; 38.4 % receive treatment for one or the other disorder; and 53 % receive no treatment at all.†1 One strategy for overcoming this barrier is by integrating mental and physical health care delivery. Combining mental and physical health funds to pay for services would not only increase access to coordinated care, but it would streamline the coding and billing process through the use of common codes. It would also create a network of mental and physical health providers, who would all be responsible for well-being of each patient, thus encouraging coordinated care. A second barrier is the stigma associated with mental illness, which impedes help seeking. This barrier can be combated by educating patients about the resources available for treatment and the overall importance of a healthy mind and body. Businesses should do more to educate employees about mental health benefits, as many may not be familiar with them. Establishing behavioral health clinics, such as the WestBridge Clinic, would provide the compassionate care many individuals with co-occurring disorders are in need of and would likely encourage these individuals to seek treatment. A third barrier is one that is faced by Medicare patients as same day separate billing for mental health and medical care is not covered under Medicare.†1 With the oncoming demographic shift, this segment of the population cannot be ignored. Though this is a more difficult barrier to overcome, policy changes should be made to ensure the elderly have access to mental health services in the primary care setting. Increasing the scope of practice for clinical staff may be a feasible strategy for overcoming this barrier. Implications for Behavioral Health Throughout this course we have learned that organizational leaders and clinical staff must exhibit a certain level of commitment to providing quality care in order to effectively treat dually diagnosed individuals. As we see look at Accountable Care Organizations, the benefits of coordinated care become even more apparent. The ACA shifts the focus to evidence-based practices, which will become integral for more effective treatment and improvement in service delivery of co-occurring disorders. Adequate screening methods and health assessments by primary care providers are the first step in the treatment and recovery process1 and will undoubtedly lead to improved detection rates and treatment of dually diagnosed individuals. It is essential for clinicians to understand the epidemiology of all disorders a person is suffering from to ensure correct and effective treatment is received. Service delivery can be expected to improve with an increase in more knowledgeable clinical staff. Clini cians must be knowledgeable about possible interaction of the two disorders and how both can be treated, rather than just one. However, as long as stigma continues to surround the topic of mental health, there will continue to be hesitation by mentally ill individuals to seek treatment. As a society, we must take the necessary steps and encourage help seeking by those suffering from a mental illness.   References Levin BL, Hennessy KD, Petrila J (Eds.).Mental Health Services: A Public Health  Perspective, Third Edition.New York: Oxford University Press; 2010. Falk D, Yi H, Hiller-Sturmhofel S. An epidemiologic analysis of co-occurring alcohol and  drug use and disorders. Alcohol Research Health. 2008; 31(2): 100-110. National Institute of Mental Health. Available online at Accessed February 19 2014. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Available online at Accessed February 19 2014. Conner KR, Pinquart M, Gamble SA. Meta analysis of depression and substance use among  individuals with alcohol use disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2009; 37: 127-137. Riper H, Andersson G, Hunter SB, et al. Treatment of comorbid alcohol use disorders and  depression with cognitive-behavioural therapy and motivational interviewing: a meta-analysis. Addiction. 2013; 109: 394–406. Green AI, Noordsy DL, Brunette MF, et al. Substance abuse and schizophrenia:  Pharmacotherapeutic intervention. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2008; 34: 61– 71. National Institute of Mental Health. Available online at Accessed February 19 2014. QUESTION #3 Is Mental Health a Public Health Issue? Among U.S. adults age 18 years and older, an estimated 26 percent suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder each year, and for young adults, mental disorders are the leading cause of disability.1 Mental illness also bears a heavy burned on the global economy. The WHO estimates that 14% of the global disease burden is attributable to mental illness.2 Among the twenty most significant causes of disease burden worldwide are depression (3rd), alcohol use disorder (7th), bipolar disorder (12th), schizophrenia (14th), and substance abuse disorders (20th).2 Compared to all health expenditures, mental health and substance abuse expenditures have been decreasing since 1986, and are estimated to account for 6.9% of the nation’s health care expenditures in 2014.3 Mental illness increases the risk of developing a physical illness, communicable and non-communicable disease, and intentional and unintentional injury.2 To decrease prevalence of mental illness and its adverse effects on overall health of individuals, it is necessary to integrate mental health service delivery into the nation’s public health system. The public health system encompasses a broad array of topics, which creates opportunities for integration of mental health services through community education, epidemiologic surveys, health screening and assessment, ensuring adequate access to care, identifying risk factors and determinants of health, focusing on prevention and early intervention, and promoting sharing of information among health care providers.3 Traditionally, mental and physical health have been treated in two separate service delivery systems. However, majority of adults diagnosed with a mental disorder to not seek treatment, and those who do, seek treatment within the primary care sector, rather than a specialty behavioral health care sector.3 Integration of the mental and physical service delivery systems leads to better health outcomes in primary care, home health care, and long-term care setting, as well as increased mental health care access, rates of treatment, improved treatment adherence, enhanced clinical and functional outcomes, and greater cost-effectiveness.3 Among older adults suffering from depression, integration of physical and mental health services has shown a decrease in health care dollars spent on care, improved survival, and improved quality of life.1Among individuals suffering from substance abuse disorders, integrated care leads to lower â€Å"hospitalization rates, inpatient days, emergency room u se, and medical costs.†3 One example of an integrated health care delivery system is the Veterans Health Administration, the nation’s largest integrated health care system. Zeiss identified five key reasons for this integration. First, patients prefer to receive mental health care in the same setting as primary care, as they are most familiar and comfortable with their primary care provider.4 Second, primary care providers often fail to diagnose or misdiagnose a mental illness, especially in older patients who may have other health conditions.4 Integrating care can increase detection and accuracy of diagnosis. Third, patients are more likely to seek treatment for a mental illness when a diagnosis is determined in primary care and when care is available in the primary care setting.4 Of importance is the difficulty of primary care referral to mental health providers.4 Studies have shown an astounding 75% of patients fail to follow through with the referral and therefore do not get the mental health trea tment, whereas 90% receive treatment when it is provided by the primary care provider.4 Fourth, integrated care allows for information sharing among providers. Of highest importance is information relating to the patient’s diagnosis and treatment options. It allows both health providers to provide ongoing care and treatment to the patient, without overlap of information, or exchange of misinformation among the providers. Fifth, screening for mental illness in the primary care setting may lead to reduction in the stigmatization of mental illness as it will be viewed as one of many steps of a health assessment provided to all primary care patients.4 These findings have been echoed through other studies, as we have learned throughout the course of the semester. Implications for Behavioral Health Mental illness affects a significant proportion of the U.S. population and the importance of efficient treatment cannot be understated. Integrating mental health services into the traditional public health delivery system and increasing collaboration and information sharing among providers of different disciplines is a key aspect of delivering holistic care. Through course lectures, reading assignments, and videos, we have learned that populations at higher risk of developing a mental illness are more likely to delay treatment, or not seek treatment at all, receive lower quality care, and have higher rates of co-occurring illness and morbidity. The traditional health care model emphasizes preventive care and early treatment, which must be a primary focus for mental health services as well, in order to keep the population healthy, lower the prevalence of mental illness, and maintain an affordable health care system. The number of mental health facilities and organizations providing me ntal health services and treatment has decreased from 3,942 in 1990 to 3,130 in 2008,1 thus the need for integration is essential. In order to create a holistic healthcare system, we must break down the existing barriers between the mental and physical health care delivery sectors. References Levin BL. Week #3 Lecture: Mental Health Systems.2014. 1-11. Levin BL. Week #2 Lecture: Epidemiologic, Historical, Legislative Perspectives.2014: 4-  15. Levin BL, Hennessy KD, Petrila J (Eds.).Mental Health Services: A Public Health  Perspective, Third Edition.New York: Oxford University Press; 2010. Zeiss AM, Karlin BE. Integrating mental health and primary care services in the Department of  Veterans Affairs health care system. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2008; 15:73–78.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Is Marcus Brutus An Honorable Man? :: Julius Caesar Essays

In deciding whether or not a person is good, all of their characteristics must be looked at. That person might look good on the outside, but if their heart is exposed they may not look as perfect as thought. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus is a perfect example of this idea. He is sympathetic, kind, and generous, but when his motives are questioned, he does not look so sensitive. Brutus is not an honorable man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Brutus was a very selfish and self-centered person. He continually ignored Cassius’ and the conspirators’ ideas. He was the leader and everyone was supposed to go along with them. Not to mention that all of his decisions went against Cassius and they were all the wrong moves. Brutus refused to admit that he was wrong or listen to other people. He had a big ego and was obviously used to being in charge. When Cassius thought it was a bad idea to leave Sardis and go to Phillipi to fight Antony, Brutus did exactly the opposite. His idea of friendship should be questioned because he constantly disagreed with Cassius, his best friend, and that is not what friendship is all about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Brutus did not value the people around him. Along with ignoring his friends, he killed his closest friend of all time. For most normal people, killing their best friend would not even be an issue, no matter what they thought was best for their country. If they thought something bad could be happening, they would talk to that friend and tell them what they think and how it should be resolved. No real friend would jump to conclusions and make such a drastic decision as killing that person. Brutus also did not value his wife, Portia. He was never home for her and, eventually, part of her suicide was linked to this. To drive her to suicide was a very selfish act on Brutus’ part. He should have been there for his wife.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Brutus did not think about his actions before they were done. He didn’t think about what would happen to the Roman empire if Caesar were killed. By assinating Caesar he started a civil war. He ruined an entire empire by his quick and stupid descions. Many, many people died that did not need to. How can a person be considered honorable when they were responsible for so many lost lives and the loss of an empire? Brutus was not a very good military leader. His action when his army first arrived in

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Death of a Naturalist: A study of Seamus Heaney?s first book of poems.

Death of a Naturalist: A study of Seamus Heaney’s first book of poems. Seamus Heaney, the famed Irish poet, was the product of two completely different social and psychological orders. Living on â€Å"a small farm of some fifty acres in County Derry in Northern Ireland† (Nobel eMuseum), Seamus Heaney’s childhood was spent primarily in the company of nature and the local wildlife. His father, a man by the name of Patrick Heaney, had a penchant for farming and working the land. Seamus’ mother Margaret, in contrast, was a woman born into a family called McCann, who’s major dealings were with business dealings, trade and â€Å"the modern world† (Nobel eMuseum). Patrick Heaney was a man of few words, and preferred the quiet life of a farmer to the vocal world of trade and industry. Margaret Heaney was in fact quite the opposite and believed in speaking out, being heard and was seldom shy in expressing her feelings (Nobel eMuseum). These two extreme contrasts were enormously influential in the shaping of Seamus as a man and as a poet, and his first book Death of a Naturalist is a testament to this. Death of a Naturalist focuses on nature and wildlife as well as human emotions, and using poetry as his medium, Seamus Heaney shows his readers with specific reference to love and death, the images of nature that are associated with his father, and intertwines them with the human feelings and emotions that are closely linked with his mother. Love is a prominent theme in Seamus Heaney’s first book of poems, and it is worthwhile noting that just one year after Heaney married the love of his life, a woman named Mary Devlin, that Heaney wrote and released Death of a Naturalist (Nobel eMuseum). It might be confusing for one to imagine a relationship between the wild and natural world and a human characteristic such as love, but Seamus Heaney manages to bring the two themes together in a deeply poetic and fitting fashion. In the poem Twice Shy, love is the governing premise. Twice Shy revolves around the idea of new lovers playing a game of hunter and the hunted, and with references to both nature as well as human emotions, Heaney displays the influences that were instilled in him as a young man by his parents. In the second stanza, the influence is unmistakable as Heaney describes a situation in which two lovers are trying to conform to the traditions of courting, but are consumed ... ...ons in drills.† (Heaney 23). The men aboard the drifting ship are starving to death and demand to be fed by the captain, but when he refuses them food, â€Å"in whines and snarls their desperation / Rose and fell like a flock of starving gulls† (Heaney 23). By describing the men’s eyes as being like â€Å"spring onions† and by comparing the men as being like birds, Heaney brings nature into a mix of human feeling once more, thus creating a poem where impending death can be a topic that is both animalistic as well as human and emotionally expressive. Within Death of a Naturalist, Seamus Heaney explores many different aspects of life in Ireland. With his constant references to both the natural world and the very different topic of human emotion, Seamus Heaney designed a book of poems that shows readers that a connection between the two can exist. Death of a Naturalist is a book that in a totally unique way bonds love, death, nature and emotion in a fashion that echoes both Patrick and Margaret Heaney’s dominant character traits. Works Cited Heaney, Seamus. Death of a Naturalist. Chatham, Kent: Faber and Faber Limited, 1999. â€Å"Seamus Heaney Biography† Nobel eMuseum. November 15, 2001.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Intellectual Property Piracy

Intellectual Intellectual property is under attack by pirates. These pirates are not wearing an eye patch or sporting a peg leg, they are anybody and everybody who are selling or copying software for personal or business use. When it comes to software and online piracy, in certain countries, it is like the Wild West, there are laws that are very cut and dry but it seems like nobody follows them. On the other hand there are certain countries where it almost seems like anything goes with a lack of government regulation.The United States has very strict laws about copyright infringement. If a person is found guilty of copyright infringement in the US, it is considered a felony charge which carries a heavy fine as well as possible jail time. In December 2011, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) released a list of â€Å"notorious markets,† or markets that â€Å"typify the problem of marketplaces that deal in goods and services that infringe on IPR and help to sustain global piracy and counterfeiting,† according to a USTR press release(China Urges US, 2012).Along with strict enforcement of anti-piracy laws, countries of North America, Western Europe and Australia tend to follow the Rule of Law in which society validates laws and codes. There are many associations emerging to fight technology piracy to ensure intellectual property rights. Such organization such as WTO (World Trade Organization), WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), and the WCT (World Copyright Treaty) have been created to police the piracy of intellectual property. With these organizations, intellectual piracy had seen a decline for a short amount of time.In a study in 2009, it was found that of all software found in developed countries, 80% of the software was legitimately purchased. On the other hand, it was also found that in emerging countries, about 60% of software was found to be pirated. Those emerging countries account for 45% of the global hardware marke t while they only account for less they 20% of legitimate software. Emerging countries are actually putting out more computers then legal software to put on the computers. In 2009 alone, the US lost 50 billion dollars to software piracy. It is a daunting task to police these intellectual thieves.When looking at the piracy of intellectual property globally, it seems to be a complicated task at hand to police. There are many countries that are trying to get a grasp on the problem at hand. Statistically the United States are leading the way with only 21% of its software was pirated in a 2008 report. In January 2012, the US passed the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U. S. House and the Senate's Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA ) which would strengthen penalties for pirating movies, music, merchandise and books, have pitted corporate interests against each other and against free-speech advocates(Mitchell, 2012).Though one out of five computers in the US had illegal software, which is better than the 95% of software pirated in the country of Georgia. Organizations such as the WTO are helping on the forefront of against piracy by creating treaties amongst countries to in order to reduce the level of theft of IPR’s. The countries that seem to be adhering to this these treaties tend to have a higher level of individualism as well as a stronger grasp of the rule of law in compared to their counterparts. Other ways of controlling the piracy plague have been put into place.Technological security system like adding passwords and login, putting protection on the purchased software that would make it incapable of copying or burning are progressing to slow down the taking of intellectual property. Will this stop the problem completely? Most likely not, but it provides a promising future for IPR’s. In undeveloped countries across the world, piracy is running rampant with out much government enforcement. In China, it is legal to have 499 pirated DVDs i n a person’s possession. If caught with more, it’s only a fine that would be about the same as a parking ticket.With countries such as China India or Russia that have a low sense of individualism, IPR is not a pressing matter. Those are some of the greatest populated countries of the world and the problem spreads even further then them. Without stricter enforcement in such countries, there is no end to how far piracy of software will go. In Western Europe, there is the alarming fact that more computer hardware is being produced then software is being sold. These emerging countries are taking hold of counterfeiting and sophisticating the way of doing business illegally.With the internet and person to person sharing, it is getting easier and more efficient to sell and trade pirated software. Piracy is inevitable. When the people of the world have no ethical problem with breaking IPR’s, there will be no end to the problem. The majority of the people that are pirati ng do not believe they are even breaking any laws. As much as we try to control, regulate and enforce piracy, there will always be someone looking for a new way of finding an end to a means. Piracy has been compared to that of illegal drug trafficking, it is an endless war that seems to have no end in site.If your take the cultures in where the heaviest of piracy of software is taking place, it is those that are a collective society, with little regard for those IPRs of individuals. The only way that piracy will end is if the world changes and conforms to having principles that respect these creative individuals and their governments take initiative and lead the way in solving this problem. This unfortunately, may never happen, and piracy will continue to be a problem that plagues the business world.